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Landsdowne Park Opening


Out and about!

We work hard to bring military history and technology into the public space. Unlike most museums, we have taken a page from leading edge retail trends, and from the start, created a “Pop Up”  style of Museum. This means we take out artifacts to the public, instead of the public coming to us. This was at the opening of the new Landsdowne Park in Ottawa. We have such a dedicated Armour Team, with Nikki in her usual role as our Crew commander in the CVRT Scorpion and Dave as driver…both VERY busy getting bums in seats to allow folks to experience the crazy tight fit of the Turret, and sharing space with the Breech of the L23 main gun. I can’t stress enough how hard the team works when the line is 30 deep all day. We know its worth it when kids can actually engage in a tactile way with history, as it becomes more than a video game.


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